Friday, November 04, 2005

"An Alien has Invaded my Wife"!!!!

I think Gerry is convinced an alien has entered my body. Yesterday, the first 20 minutes of my day at work, I was crying hysterically for no good reason. I called my mother, barely able to breathe, just needing to have someone to love me in that moment!
So, later in the day, I have my acupuncture appointment (of which I was sooooo looking forward to). If you haven't read my previous post about securing a Birth Control Pill, you'll need to in order to get why I'm sharing this story....(go catch up and then finish reading this).
So, my acupuncturist is asking me how my treatment cycle is going with the hormone injections. I told her the "butt" story and she said, "Oh, I can treat you tonight for your tail bone". I'm ALL over it!!!! Now, for any of you who have experienced acupuncture, typically, the area of concern is addressed in another you have pain in your arm, you get a pin in your ear. Anyway, I'm on my belly and she proceeds to pull my panties down. The raise of the eyebrow is cause for concern... :-) She starts probing around my tail bone and asks me to tell her when it hurts. Well, I'm laying there, overwhelmed that she's probing in that area and I really had a hard time pin pointing the area of pain so she said, "This is really uncharted territory for me. Perhaps you can feel around and tell me where it hurts". Four pins later and my tail bone is feeling so much better. :-))

As the drama continues.....when I came home from my appointment and the rollercoaster ride of a day, I started crying again!!!!!!!!!! Gerry said, "What is going on? Why are you crying"? I'm blubbering, "I don't know! I'm just crying"!!!! I got to giggling later about it because I'm thinking, "Why do people associate crying with needing a reason to cry? Can a person just cry and not really have a reason"? Then, I started LOOKING FOR A REASON for why I was crying and I came back to him (crying), saying, "Well, maybe it's because I haven't had a bowel movement in days (from prenatals), I've got blemishes on my back where no blemishes have ever been, my hair is dry and falling out, I had four pins on my ass to relieve my tail bone tonight and I'm tired"! Ohhhhh! For the love of God.....our child(ren) better love the choice we have made to have them in our lives!! :-)


At November 05, 2005 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crying is healthy - Gerry will realize that he needs to invest in LOTS of tissues over the next 9 months - THE BEST IS YET TO COME!! I am so glad your tailbone is feeling better (lol)!!

At November 06, 2005 9:07 AM, Blogger Tonya said...

It COULD have been your tailbone yesterday....:-)
Gerry does buy a lot of tissues....they are everywhere in the house! :-)


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