Thursday, November 17, 2005

No WONDER People don't Contribute to Charity!!!!

"It is time once again for St. Mary's School Christmas Fair and Ye Olde Bake Shoppe is in need of your favorite recipes! Anyone wishing to donate baked goods may drop them off at school Friday, November 18th, or Saturday, November 19th, before 9:00a.m. As always, thank you for your endless support of our school. If you have any quesitons, please call..." That was how it was stated in the Augusta-Gardiner Catholic Community Newsletter.

So, this drama started several weeks ago, when I called offering to donate cookies. After two attempts to reach the contact person, I get a message stating what needed to be given to drop off my cookies.....the name and grade level of the child and a description of the cookie. Where is that listed in the quoted article above??? I called the "contact" back and stated that I didn't have any children and was doing it as a kind gesture and even told her I was a member of a local Catholic Church. She asked if I knew of any children at the school. I told her I thought a friend of mine had a couple of kids that went there. She went on to explain that the kids at St. Mary's get "credit" towards their "volunteer time" that they need each month and that I just needed to put their name(s) and grade level in the information tag of what kind of cookies I baked. I thought it was odd. So, I try to contact my friend, going through the details of why I needed such personal information and stated I would NOT be offended if he chose not to give me that information. Needless to say, I never got a response. So I call back the "contact" and explain that I felt really weird about getting personal information about my friend's kids and was going to decline on my offer to donate cookies. She couldn't BELIEVE that any parent would be offended by needing "grade level" information because of the "credit" that is given to the children. I told her that I wasn't going to push it and that I could always give the cookies to the Bread of Life Soup Kitchen. She then told me that there were donations accepted even if there wasn't a childs name/grade level attached to it. So, I finally clear this with another friend---willing to make cookies too---and give her the go ahead! :-)

So, last night, I was checking my recipe and noted that I should take butter out of the freezer. THERE ISN'T ANY! I look at my husband, clearly miffed and exclaimed that I had been to the grocery store EVERY night this week and could not believe that I had to go back for butter! I scream into Hannaford's at lunch time today, secure the butter (and extra because it was on sale). I get home late tonight because of another doctor appointment I had, get down to business making my cookies only to find........NO SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked at my husband and said, "You have got to be *@!#@* kidding me! Did you not see when you poured sugar for the coffee, that there was none left"??? He said, "Well, there IS still sugar left in the jar". (AUGGGGG!!!!) There was BARELY 1/2 of a 1/4 of a cup left! WILD, I grabbed my purse and headed for the door! Gerry yells, "WAIT, HONEY, you have your apron on"! I said, "I really don't give a crap"! With that, I left for the nearest pit stop on route 3....apron and all. On my way to the store......I get pulled over by the State Police!!!!!!!! (AUGGGGGGGGG). The trooper came to my window and I said, "I really just want to cry". He looked at me and asked why. (Tip for men: NEVER ask a woman "why anything" because WE will tell ALL). So, as briefly as I could, I told him the whole St. Mary's cookie debacle. After the sob story and seeing me in my apron, he waived me off! THANKS MAN! :-)

The cookies are FINALLY made....several hours later. I've taken a picture of my hard work and hope that God blesses me for holding my integrity in getting the job done!


At November 19, 2005 9:30 AM, Blogger Fiddler said...

Oh, Tonya... You really have a heart of gold... It's true, the simplest gestures sometimes turn into a big convoluted fiasco... I hope they truly appreciate how much goes into these 'donations' that are requested... and that they have a successful fundraiser...

At November 19, 2005 7:15 PM, Blogger Tonya said...

SPAMMY!!!!!!! Where are you? Have you made it to FL?
You are right about a "big convoluted fiasco". At least my friend dropped them off for me. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have been able to avoid a ticket, speeding back from Portland to get them to St. Mary's by 9a.m.!!!! :-)
I hope you're having FUN! I'm off to Portland again tomorrow a.m. for another suppression test. Keep you fingers crossed! Love ya!

At December 07, 2005 4:05 PM, Blogger Jaime said...

This story is so funny - but, um, next time can you please refrain from putting a picture of the yummiest looking cookies EVER on your site?!
I am ALL ABOUT the cookies now. THOSE cookies. :)


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