Dinner Party, down!!!!!!
I LOVE entertaining and have SOOOO much fun decorating the table for dinner guests! We had a small gathering last night and the prime rib we served was FANTASTIC!!!! Of course, the prime rib MAY have been better if Jeff & Debbie were on time but to cut them some slack, they squeezed us in between their family Christmas parties! THANKS GUYS!!!!! It was a cozy evening spent in front of the fire place & then eventually---the kitchen (isn't that where all parties end up?). Another party down and a few more to go. The funny part about the evening was that Debbie couldn't BELIEVE how nicely decorated the house was. I looked at her and said, "Uh, if it makes you feel any better, I just put away Halloween decorations and managed to make the house look festive". She's said, "When I walked in and saw the house and the decorations and your perfect hair, I wondered how you managed it". I told her, "Procrastination"!!! We laughed. My house is far from perfect but when push comes to shove, I produce major results! :-) MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! :-)
Ohhhhh - the table looks great!! I don't think I'd be the least bit surprised to find your house - or you - looking perfect!! :)
Ohhh, thanks sweetie! Although I'm far from it along with the house, I do have FUN entertaining!
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