I love our Christmas Tree this year...even if it's sporting colored lights! Gerry & I have to take year, he gets colored and alternating, I get to put on white lights. It is a good compromise that was made our first year as husband and wife. Every year, I think he's going to forget----NOT!!!!!!!
Bailey LOVES Christmas. We even wrap gifts for him under the tree that he opens all by himself! This year, not only did he want to open HIS but he decided I needed a little help....
He managed to help me with quite a few. It's almost as fun as watching Gabby open presents and wanting to help! He's our "little baby" & we love him dearly!
This was Christmas at my mother's this morning. As always, my mother has gone ABOVE and BEYOND. I walked away with some fabulous treasures! CAN WE SAY "SPOILED"??? One of the more thoughtful gifts this year was the "Service" Flag that mom & dad got Gerry. My sister-in-law Maureen is the Lt. Colonel in the United States Airforce, serving in Iraq for the next six months. We miss her and keep her in our thougths & prayers.
Of course, Christmas would not be complete without this sweet little face. She thought that the massage chair that my mother bought my father, was a chair made for her. It's small and easy for her to get onto and she claimed that it was her chair. Might I add that she LOVED one of my gifts the best....(sorry Kari) the "favorite" auntie, I'm not surprised. :-)To all our family and friends, MERRY CHRISTMAS, we love you and wish you peace and love in the new year!
Glad you had a great holiday... I love the tree! This was Richard and my first Christmas together and we did BOTH... There are colored lights and also a strand of white lights woven in... The one concession R had to make thought was to NOT have the lights BLINK at all...
But, where's the flamingo photo?
I'm posting them later today...It's going to be the tacky tourist title! I'm off shopping!!!!!!!!!
Awwww... BEAUTIFUL tree!!! I hope it's still up on Friday! :)
You and Bailey are both freakin' adorable! Manny had a ball opening his stocking this year. :)
I missed this posting the other day - I think it was the Flamingo that threw me off - what a great tree (it kinda resembles mine - haha! just joking) I can't believe Bailey opens presents -Little D is scared of the noise that the paper makes!!!! I guess it was your mom that made you in to the "Duchess" that you are - Happy Days!!!
My mother is the original Duchess and the "apple does not fall too far from the tree". You made me giggle when comparing my tree to yours! After seeing it yesterday, I am still giggling....I love ya sweetie!!!
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