"You Are Your Own Best Judge"
"When you start judging yourself by looking through the eyes of your parents, husband, friends, or boss, you end up running around doing more and more in an effort to gain their approval. It does not take long before you end up feeling exhausted, resentful and ready to give up". www.mymeditations.com
So, I've blogged about Jane Powell's meditations and this is just an excerpt from one I recently received. I found it quite inspiring...as usual. :-) For those of you who don't already know this, I have spent the last 2 1/2 years being involved in Landmark Education. I have completed the Landmark Forum, Advanced Course, Self Expression Leadership Program and have also volunteered as well as participated in the seminars they have in Maine (all other courses are in Boston). I CANNOT thank my friend, John, enough for introducing me to this work. You think I'M committed to people living a life they love????? LANDMARK is the epitome of people being committed to human beings having a life they love!!!!!
This past week at "Creating the Miraculous" seminar, we were asked to notice moment by moment, day by day, how "something is wrong here" colors our life and how we have adapted to living in that world. In that, includes all of our "judgements" about who we are. My story and judgement about myself is that "I'm not good enough, not smart enough..." etc. I do a pretty good job carrying that judgement about myself around and I can give you a TON of evidence to support that story!!!!!!!!!! ;-) I listen to people through that filter. So, If anyone says to me, "Learning to administer the Harrison Assessement would be a contribution to the field of Life Coaching", this is what my "mind" is saying..."Ya right, why would anyone want to waste time trying to train me??? I will never get it, it's too complicated...." etc. (Laughing) The thing about it is, I feel the purest love of myself when I can help someone uncover that "blind spot" that stops them from having wonderful relationships, career, life. I'm in my zone!!!!!!!! The irony is, I do EVERYTHING to avoid having that! For the last year, I have been trying to build my coaching practice and can see why I have not been successful. If I'm listening through my judgement that I created of myself when I was 3 years old, it's no wonder that I have not been building this practice/career for which I love!!!!!!!!!!! So, by looking and seeing where "not good enough, smart enough, anything enough" has gotten me, I can see that it's not just in the area of my Coaching practice but in my relationships, work etc. I'm exhausted, anxious, not happy and I can THANK #1 here for that!!!!!!!!!!! By giving it up and not listening to my little mind go on and on about how I can't do something, I had my second training session with Jim this week, to become a consultant for administering the Harrison Assessment and I THANK HIM for being committed to ME and not my story.
So, to all of my family, friends and people I have not met yet, what judgements are running your life? What stops you from that feeling of pure love? What stories about yourself can you give up, turn around and produce results that will leave you perfect, whole and complete? You can have it....anything you want for yourself and your life YOU can have. You are in the driver seat of your life. Want coaching? I'm your woman!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
And my life, too, has been enriched by our conversations, work interactions, and my observations of how you handle people and situations... I still find myself thinking back on my coaching sessions with you last year. I'm more mature and more aware of ME these days... THANK YOU TONYA!
You are welcome "fiddler"! I couldn't have been successful coaching you without you being committed to looking beyond who you knew yourself to be! :-) It was a priveledge to watch your growth!
Love ya! :-)))
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