Saturday, March 18, 2006

A little "Bragadocious"...

I am VERY proud of these delicate cookies!!!!!! It was my first time making Pizzells--an Italian cookie. Growing up, my Nana use to sit for hours at a time, spooning dough onto a hot pizzell iron. I use to sit and watch her and still remember the excitement in her eye....teaching me how to make them---even thought at the time, I was too young. :-)

As an adult, it's not a cookie that I CRAVE but when I eat them, it brings back those memories of her. I happened to share this story with one of the doctors I work for. Well, he loves eating them too! I told him that my mother made them and using some of my manipulative tactics, he's managed to get many batches of them for his own eating pleasure.

So, for Christmas, Peter gives me a framed recipe for his mother's pizzells....with the intention that I bake some for him---you know, a "you-for-me-gift"....:-) Today, I decided to clear some of my day to make them. I happen to be on the phone with Justine (we both work with/for Peter) and I told her what I was up to. I told her that it was going to get me a RAISE! We giggled. Then, I tried one.....I told her that not only would I get a RAISE but I would get another week's paid vacation!!!!!!!!!!! I like to dream BIG!

So Peter, it's TOO bad that you have to wait until MONDAY to get these! They are YUMMMY!


At March 18, 2006 8:11 PM, Blogger Fiddler said...

These are BEAUTIFUL cookies, job well done! If this gets you a raise and more vacation, I'm going directly to the SPAM cookbook and picking out something REALLY special to bring in :) HOnesly though, these look perfect!

At March 21, 2006 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you in carrying on our family tradition. What flavor did you use? Nana always used Anise, Lemon, or Almond. I know your mother has made orange. I love the Almond ones and they pack and ship very well:)HINT, HINT!
Love ya............
Aunt Eva

At March 22, 2006 9:55 PM, Blogger Fiddler said...

T-These were even more beautiful 'in person' than the photo... Thanks for sharing!

At March 24, 2006 9:54 AM, Blogger Jaime said...

Those are BEEE-UTIFUL! :) I miss you!


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