High-End Camping!!!!
We have been without power since yesterday after the big THUNDERSTORM that ran through Maine! I don't have regular access to email and do not have all addresses with me but those of you that read my blog, just know as soon as I can be in touch with you, I will! I will be under "camping" conditions at home. Those of you that know me will giggle about that! I haven't camped in years and as I have aged, I call camping....some place with no power that has the luxury of water/shower and nice beds to sleep on!! He, he, he! :-)
The Duchess...camping? I can not really believe such a thing is possible! I assume you are staying in a posh hotel or at least at Mom's!
Which is infinitely nicer than any hotel!
Cheer up...it is only the start of a long hot summer!
Love the cuke, how did it taste?
You have a generator -- how bad could it be?!!! Love you!
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