Here it is!!!! MONTHS of planning, coordinating, delegating, and TA DA!!!! This year's river party went off without a hitch! Kim and Gary created the "castle walls"....everything was just PERFECT! Despite the incredible heat, most of the guests dressed according to Medievil times! I had such a hard time choosing what pictures to post! I took 100 pictures! The detail...even down to the food. We had cornish hens, corn on the cobb....everything had to be eaten with your silverware! :-) Anyway, it was a blast!!!!!!!!!!! Joe and Barbie are the perfect host/hostess! There were games that we played....archery, jousting etc! I'm sure the poeple driving by wondered what on earth we were doing riding on a lawn mower, hauling someone with a stick! It's enough to make you giggle for a lifetime!
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