Move Over Martha Stewart, The Duchess is in the House!
I had Justine and Forrest and Peter, Kristin & Co. over for dinner FINALLY! I've been trying to get them here for over a year! So, I thought I would make these BEAUTIFUL appetizers for my guests! I was ABSOLUTELY beside myself with delight over how nice these salami wrapped tomatoes came out! It's failry simple....use Boursin cheese and chop up fresh basil into it. Then, you take one slice of salami, a scoop of the cheese and then set the grap tomato in it. Delicately tie a chive around the bundle to keep it all in place. Yes, an hour later....I felt BETTER than Martha Stewart! :-) Some of my friends think I have too much time on my hands. To me, it's a love that I have for entertaining dinner guests and trying out new things! Certainly, I wouldn't make it if they were here every night! :-)Guys, I had a great time! Forrest....LOVE the vodka tonics! Thanks for putting Sam's college money into the BEST VODKA in the WORLD! He, he, he!
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