Thursday, October 12, 2006


This was the scene at my mother's last Sunday! Although my birthday is today!

My mother got my sister and I Derk's Bently tickets! :-) Mom also got me a sweet jacket that is very stylish! My sister Kari sported me with a new outfit because she was so proud of the weight I have lost. She even surprised me with snow glob table markers for when I have company! YIPEEE! My sister, Laura gave me some cold-hard-cash that I put towards a new pair of A.K. shoes! THANKS SWEETIE! John & Nize got me a Staples gift card to pick up things for my business! I can't wait to use it! Gerry got me an MP3 player, flowers and took me out for dinner. He surprised me when the Oriental girls came out with fried bannanas to sing "happy birthday" to me. Then, I laughed even harder when I thought I was waving and smiling into the restaurant "security camera". Gerry looked at me and said, "What are you waiving at"? I said, "The security camera". Well, I didn't have my eyeglasses on but he told me that it was an electrical box!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put on my glasses and sure enough, I had waved, winked and smiled at an electrical box. He didn't think it was as humorous as I did. I couldn't stop laughing at the sight of what I must have looked like doing that.

I also got a cookie basket from Sweet Sue's from Peter/Kristin, Forrest & Justine. Peter and Kristin also took me to lunch yesterday! THANKS GUYS! :-) My mother and my sister called and sang to me, along with my father-in-law, and little Miss Abby! I got phone calls from friends with birthday wishes....thank you all---it means a lot!

Jaime and I wished each other happy birthday! I giggle about it. It absolutely AMAZES me that I would meet someone, become good friends and then find out we were born on the same day! It was a friendship meant to be! :-)

Anyway, thank you to everyone for remembering me...even those that I had to call and sing, "Happy Birthday to me" :-) I love and appreciate you all!


At October 19, 2006 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if they got the security camera at the same place the cruiseline got the microwave? Oops that was a safe.

love you!


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