Sunday, May 13, 2007

Award Winning Acknowledgment!

Hey there lady,

I SO SO SO hope you had a nice time while you were away. You deserve it. I just spent the last 20 mins catching up on your posts.... NICE WORK. Here is what I have concluded.... You don't get enough acknowledgement for how fantastic you are. And when you get it... you don't hear it ALL. SO, let me take the time and BE THAT person who reminds you.... Sister, you are F'ING FANTASTIC. You are super intelligent, honest, outgoing, beautiful, sassy, dingy, HOT, full of integrity, committed, generous, and as much as I could go on... I want you to get the picture... You are the shit.... and thank you for being part of my life. And for those who haven't told you yet..... thank you for being part of their life too... you DO make a difference, you DO create amazing possibilities, you DO have an amazing world around you ... and YOU ALWAYS HAVE. I just want to thank you for finally acknowledging how wonderful your world is and how important you are to this life. I know you are important to my life and I know that when I don't hear from you for a period of time... things start to feel a little EMPTY... I am fairly confident that with you I laugh the most and I really appreciate that you allow me to be ME... including all of my "ass kicking" flaws. Personally, that is what real camaraderie is all about. I love you girl... Melissa

I've been wanting to post this for some time now. I've noticed that more than a month has gone by without a post. I have been really CRAZY busy. There's a lot going on in my life right now and as the Universe would have it, I came across this email and from it, it reminded me of the possibility I've created out of my Introduction Leadership Program! I'm grounded in being a woman with no boundaries..."Ashama"!!! A woman who is not stopped in the face of LIFE! :-) I'm so excited about creating that and living into to it. That possibility has given me great strength to really honor my own happiness. To not get stopped by my feelings around "what other people think". To not get stopped by my own fears of not being good enough, smart enough or lovable. From that one possibility, I have taken steps to live into the future of a Lanmark Forum leader! I'm SCARED and EXCITED all at once. It will be a couple of years living into that vision but I have been putting that off for almost four years. I've been putting off a lot of things. So, that being said, living inside of that future is going to take me being a woman with no boundaries.
To my friends and family who have not seen much of me....I have been INSANELY busy. I've been to Boston, NY, back to Boston SEVERAL TIMES...back to NY, I've been involved in hosting introductions to the Landmark Forum! AND BY THE WAY.....nearly FOUR YEARS LATER, Gerry is going to Boston next week to complete the Landmark Forum! I'm VERY excited for him! I can't even believe it! My mother, my friend Laurie and now Gerry! AMAZING!!!
No matter what, know that I love you and miss you--even when I am not present to be with you!