Monday, June 26, 2006

"I AM"...

Faye Mandell, author of "Self-Powerment", was generous and kind enough to fly to Maine from Rhode Island, to deliver a two-day workshop on the Self-Powerment Model that she manifested. "This model marries data from hard sciences to human awareness, making practical use of both of them. It provides a link between what is accessible and known only to a few in the hard sciences, and what is accessible and knowable to everyone". SELF-POWERMENT shows us that through experiencing life--what Faye Mandell calls the "Here-Now or In the Moment (IM)"--we make the greatest strides towards authenticity and create lasting change in all areas of our daily lives.

It is the most powerful thing that I have experienced. It was an honor and a priveledge to be with her, to have her share the breakdown in human thinking and the time spent on "thought" vs action and fully participating in your life. It validated what I share with people in my life.

Being present, in the moment, here and now requires that you experience a feeling....sadness/disappointment, frustration, anxiety. Nature gives us these things to let us know we are not in balance and to "check in" with ourselves. When the feeling comes up, creating an imbalance, you are suppose to NOTICE the feeling and you have a NANOSECOND (1/4 of a second) to turn that feeling into action!!!! It is in the experience that we detach thought from the feeling and just be with what's so. What most people tend to do is align thought with their feelings and create "stories", "drama", which distorts the reality of the experience. I loved the statement she makes in her book, "Don't believe everything you THINK"! I have always asserted that the mind is a dangerous place to go alone. It's a dangerous place PERIOD!

I have gone and purchased a boat load of her books and am giving them away as gifts! I am commited to people in my life being fully experience the moment in which they are in. To live in the now, not the past or the future! I have friends/family ( I LOVE YOU ALL) and there are times that I hear their "stuff" and I always, always, always say...."YOU ONLY HAVE TODAY"! You don't know that you have TEN YEARS to be living the life you love! You only have the moment and in that moment are you present to you? Are you of service to the world? Are you stuck in the past, worried about the future, distorted with false illusions? only have today, right now. CHOOSE. It's that really is.

Faye left us sharing this piece that rings volumes to me. I am going to share it with all of you. It is not to analyze or understand....just BE with IT! Peace and love!

...listening to our longing in the ordinary way results in the familiar state of "being pulled by the nose in a hundred different directions and ending up going nowhere very fast"....but, if we face our longing and our lack instead of trying to satisfy it, the world is turned on its head: "fulfillment becomes a limitation, accomplishment turns into a trap", we see that "what will get us where we want to go ISN'T willpower, it ISN'T struggle or's just a question of knowing how to turn and face our longing without interfering or doing anything at all".

Thursday, June 22, 2006

WHA-WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! 9 Days & Counting....

CAN YOU SAY, "TROUBLE"??????????????? I came home from work tonight and walked through the door and smelled the aroma of a very expensive Cigar. There is NO SMOKING in our house so I wondered who could have possibly been here smoking. :-) I walk out onto the porch to find Gerry smoking a cigar and talking to Geniza on the phone. He said, "Nize is coming up next weekend". I said, "No way"!!!!!!!! Sure enough, she is taking the company jet up from the south and coming to stay for the holiday weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so exicted I can't even stand the wait!

Geniza and I have hit it off from the beginning. She is down to earth, fun loving, easy to get along with and likes to have fun! She has a heart that spreads sunshine all over the world and I just adore her. Usually, she will send me an email when I haven't heard form her in a while, that she's been to the "Bahamas for the weekend" or to "Las Vegas" checking out Hotels/Casinos and it's "work related".

The one thing I love to do....besides my other many "love to do's" is entertaining! I absolutely love to get my guest bedroom all ready and the guest bathroom all set up with accoutrements for those staying at Le casa de Tomasita. (That was my name in Spanish Class). This means I get to go SHOPPING for a little "guest" gift. I will finally be able to use the glass water pitcher that Justine gave me!! I cannot wait! This makes this years 4th of July worth looking forward to! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-))))

Just wanted to share my good news today!!!!!!!!!! Wha-whoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Can you tell my father is ITALIAN????? :-) I'm sure you can tell that I must obviously look like my mother! Although, I believe I have my father's cheeks! So, we celebrated Father's Day last night by dinning out! We originally had planned to have everyone over to our house for a BBQ but dad decided that he would prefer to go out. A little non-traditional but it got the family together and no one having to clean up! :-)

Growing up, I always remember being told that if I had been a boy, my name would have been "Aldo" (my tatone's name). THANK GOD my mother was blessed with me being a little girl because I was named after my father, Anthony...a.k.a. "Tony". I approve of "Tonya" and would have adopted some nick-name to replace "Aldo". Somewhere along the line, I managed to make up that my dad wished he had a son. So, growing up, I was a tom-boy (hard for all of you who know me as "the duchess" believe I once was a tom-boy) and would do ANYTHING for my father's attention! I knew I had to be "tough" and get "dirty", so I would often follow my father around, hoping for an opportunity that I could show him I was the son he never had...:-) Ha, ha, ha! I remember helping him change the oil in the least by doing the "heavy looking on". I also took a class in Industrial Arts, cutting wood and making numerous things...including a clock for Nana! In later years, I would assist him in changing the breaks on my assortment of vehicles, getting up at 3:30 in the morning (G, I wonder if that's why I don't have a problem getting up at that time now...) to go over and help him in the chicken barn (thank God those days are OVER)!!!!! I don't know where it all changed, that I finally accepted I was a "girl" and not a boy....most likely when I started being interested in "boys"...:-) I am thankful for the opportunity to have shared those experiences with my father growing up. I wouldn't trade them in for anthing in the world. I am proud to be his "little girl" and that he loved me through all my phases of life.

Thanks dad, for loving me unconditionally, for providing me with a wonderful life, for giving up part of your life to raise me. For teaching me to be a good human being and a hard worker, to love without judgement, to give and not expect anything in return and to love life!
~I love you from the bottom of my heart!

This is my "other" father....John! Gerry's father is absolutely wonderful! I learned early on that he and I had much in common....we LOVE gadgets!!!!!!!!!!! Need I say more??? Gerry is not like that at all and prefers a more simple life...the more simple, the better. I am glad that his father realizes the advantages that technology has to offer. I giggle whenever John mentions something he has recently picked up and the "reason" for getting it. I know that it really all boils down to the fact that it's a gadget because that's how I am. :-)

John is someone that keeps me grounded spiritually and someone that I go to for guidence when I struggling with things in my life. He is always good at telling me what it is I need to hear. :-) I am blessed to have him in my life and appreciate his love! He will soon be moving to Maine....if the weather stays dry long enough to get the foundation in! He is going to be a "snow bird" and summer in Maine and winter somewhere in the south!

Thanks dad for being a part of my life! I miss you and love you! :-)

Friday, June 16, 2006


Now this is how I would like every day of my life to be....calm, relaxing, and peaceful! I decided to treat myself to a day at the beach and I had THE BEST TIME!!! Even though I went by myself, it was nice to catch up on some reading, clear my brain and take in the scenery!

My favorite "flicker fockers" made for an interesting picture. The sand on the beach was packed really hard as the tide had just gone out. I decided to take off my sandals and hold my breath as a dabbled my feet in the ocean. I was actually suprised to find that the shock wasn't so bad after all....more evidence of "global warming".

I ended my day with a little "drama" (of course) as I watched a couple lovingly holding each other as they strolled down the beach. It reminded me of the commercials for the "romance" music cd's that you can purchase on TV. I gagged at the thought that there was actually a HUMAN MAN (not a programmed robot that looked human) interested in being so "snuggly". Interestingly enough, I watched as a fight unfolded in front of my very own eyes. They were involved in what appeared to be a quarrel...for a couple of hours. I watched in between my cat naps and reading! Toward the end of my day, they finally "made up" and started making there way together, arm in arm....I watched as they walked by me....wanting to ask, "Man, are you for real"??? It occured to me...that no matter how "good" a couple looks on the "outside", no relationship is perfect!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

HURRAY! We'll finally have a CROSS BREEZE!

After MANY YEARS of making a request for a front storm door, Gerry decided to come back from church with one in the back of his truck! Now, I'm thinking....taking a day off from church really didn't cause me bad luck after all!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha, ha, ha! (that one is for you mom)!

Gerry spent ALL afternoon installing this beauty! I just finished polishing the glass and now the rain is coming down AGAIN!!! I had to quickly capture the picture from the outside as I was afraid of melting....being made of "sugar" can be hazardous at times! He, he, he!

I was SOOOOOOOO excited.....I had to post and share it with you all!!! Gerry did a FANTASTIC job and I was completely surprised! THANKS HON!!!

Annual Golf Tournament

Every year for the last six years, I have volunteered for the Parola Golf Tournament with my friend Laurie. We were not sure what we were going to be able to do this year in ticket sales because of the rain on the golf course. We were asked to stay at a stationery spot and not travel around the course like we have all other years. We decided that we were comitted to raising more money this year and requested the possibility of traveling around the course AS LONG AS we promised to stay on the cart paved trails. We got the "o'kay" from Dickey and were well on our way! Every year Laurie and I have raised an average of $600.00 in the $5.00 raffle. This year, I am VERY proud to say, that she and I raised over $1400.00 in the $5.00 raffle! Thanks to all of those who support the Parola Foundation!!! We could not do it without you!!

This year, Gerry's team lost Gary to a fishing trip. Joe (far left) was VERY EXCITED to take Gary's place and did very well.....what does Joe NOT do well at??? The guys were very impressed with his game, considering Joe has never played golf before! Gary, it looks like you might be replaced....he, he, he!

We cannot forgot some of my FAVORITE guys....all on one team! :-) Forrest (far right) was up to his knees in wet pants....his "Asian Silk" pants! Ha, ha, ha! They too were short one of their regular team players when Doug (left of Forrest) stepped in and played at the last minute. He was originally scheduled to volunteer! He took Eric's place as his wife was in an auto accident!!!!
Gerry, many beers later, yells from the green, "Ton, get us more beer"! I told him I was not one of his troopers and did not have to follow his "order". :-) To that, he replied, "Now"! He thought he was pretty funny until he saw me drive away! Then he kindly asked with a "PLEASE".

All in all, it was a fabulous day! All the players were in good spirits! It never rained until the final two holes and Kirby, one of the golfers bid on a Nike Golf bag and gave it to me!!!!!!!!! THANKS KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) Yes, there may have been some slight manipulation on my part but in the end, HE made the final choice! :-) Somehow, Gerry thought HE should get the golf bag because his is broken. I told him he could have my old one! He, he, he!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Yesterday was a BIG day for my niece. She turned three years old and actually had "friends" over to celebrate. Now, as adults, when we have a birthday celebration (for those of you that still do), it all starts off with appetizers, conversations, maybe a few may or may not get to the cake. Well, there were a bunch of kids of various ages, celebrating with Miss Gabrielle yesterday! The first, most important way of doing things with kids it cutting through the chase and getting to the cake. As SOON as the kids walked through the door, you could hear the collaboration of them chanting, "Eat cake, eat cake, eat cake"....even those that were really too young to speak the words clearly! :-) So, the cake was cut and gifts were open and then in was the piƱata....watching those little ones beat the number three in hopes of breaking it open to gather all the candy! It was a site to see!

The day ended with popcorn and a Madagascar movie! Little Miss Gabrielle was a bit overwhelmed with all the gifts and fun with her friends.

Oh, and we cannot overlook the leopard print pants that Auntie Tonya got her! I'm the only one that can get away with giving such a gift. Little Miss Gabrielle was posing with her Madagascar stuffed animals. She thought they "went" with her pants!