Breath of Intent...
This is one of my most FAVORITE prints...."Breath of Intent" by Ashama! It reminds me of creating....creating the world in which we choose to live. I just sit and take it in! One day in the near future, I will have this on my wall and it will be a conversational piece. You don't know the power you have! Peace & love friends!
I'm Alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay...I'm alive and well and in a place in my life where things are starting to settle. I got this picture from Justine and both Sam & Daly are looking VERY sad and missing "Auntie" T!! My job at Landmark Education is going really great. I work INSANE hours and I am in love with what I do. I have to say that it makes for a busy week and time passes and I'm shocked when I realize the end of the week has come! I reallllllllyyyyyyy miss all my family and friends. I'm still working out the details of being in communication with all the demand of my job. Know that I love and miss all of you. :-(I called Club-E today and found out that the girl that was hired to replace me is going back to her old job. I was SHOCKED! I haven't been in touch w/ Mikki to find out what the heck is going on but I will. For a brief moment, I had the thought that perhaps it was a "sign" that I should pack up and move back. What it would be like to work 4 days a week! I did dapple with it and then again, I am so psyched about my current job. It's such a catch 22.Anyway, I'm just babbling. I haven't updated this blog in a long time and I was hesitant to do so without so fully packed "story" of my life of the last 5 months. So, this is my first foot back into journaling on line. I miss and love all of you! I'm off to bed! It's late!