"I AM"...
Faye Mandell, author of "Self-Powerment", was generous and kind enough to fly to Maine from Rhode Island, to deliver a two-day workshop on the Self-Powerment Model that she manifested. "This model marries data from hard sciences to human awareness, making practical use of both of them. It provides a link between what is accessible and known only to a few in the hard sciences, and what is accessible and knowable to everyone". SELF-POWERMENT shows us that through experiencing life--what Faye Mandell calls the "Here-Now or In the Moment (IM)"--we make the greatest strides towards authenticity and create lasting change in all areas of our daily lives.
It is the most powerful thing that I have experienced. It was an honor and a priveledge to be with her, to have her share the breakdown in human thinking and the time spent on "thought" vs action and fully participating in your life. It validated what I share with people in my life.
Being present, in the moment, here and now requires that you experience a feeling....sadness/disappointment, frustration, anxiety. Nature gives us these things to let us know we are not in balance and to "check in" with ourselves. When the feeling comes up, creating an imbalance, you are suppose to NOTICE the feeling and you have a NANOSECOND (1/4 of a second) to turn that feeling into action!!!! It is in the experience that we detach thought from the feeling and just be with what's so. What most people tend to do is align thought with their feelings and create "stories", "drama", which distorts the reality of the experience. I loved the statement she makes in her book, "Don't believe everything you THINK"! I have always asserted that the mind is a dangerous place to go alone. It's a dangerous place PERIOD!
I have gone and purchased a boat load of her books and am giving them away as gifts! I am commited to people in my life being present...to fully experience the moment in which they are in. To live in the now, not the past or the future! I have friends/family ( I LOVE YOU ALL) and there are times that I hear their "stuff" and I always, always, always say...."YOU ONLY HAVE TODAY"! You don't know that you have TEN YEARS to be living the life you love! You only have the moment and in that moment are you present to you? Are you of service to the world? Are you stuck in the past, worried about the future, distorted with false illusions? GUYS.....you only have today, right now. CHOOSE. It's that simple....it really is.
Faye left us sharing this piece that rings volumes to me. I am going to share it with all of you. It is not to analyze or understand....just BE with IT! Peace and love!
...listening to our longing in the ordinary way results in the familiar state of "being pulled by the nose in a hundred different directions and ending up going nowhere very fast"....but, if we face our longing and our lack instead of trying to satisfy it, the world is turned on its head: "fulfillment becomes a limitation, accomplishment turns into a trap", we see that "what will get us where we want to go ISN'T willpower, it ISN'T struggle or effort...it's just a question of knowing how to turn and face our longing without interfering or doing anything at all".