This was Miss Rylee's first overnight with Gerry and I. I picked her up yesterday afternoon & I almost SWEAR that Jaime & Shawn did a little dance as we left....:-D Rylee and I went grocery shopping, through the car wash, out of the car and into my house before she opened an eye (a little angel). It was a little touch and go for the first hour. I will be a little "bragadocious" and say that I am quite experienced with babies and children but each one is different. I changed her before I fed her---so that she would be full AND dry (adopted from Leslie). As I'm feeding her, she lets out a BIG juicy toot that took her out of her first outfit. As I'm cleaning up that mess and getting some new clothes on, she takes out outfit #2 as she spits up. So, I get that off, wait a few make sure she's done! :-) It all happened within minutes but it felt like a 1/2 hour! :-) The picture below was after she was all settled. She decided to watch me put together dinner in an electric pressure cooker! THANK GOD for that. Throw your stuff in and call it dinner. I have a new appreciation for all moms!!! Dinner was planned for 5:30, we at at 7:45! :-) She was a peach but it was ME who didn't think I could manage it after the poop, vomit, couple outfits later extravaganza! Ha, ha, ha! Some time has passed since I've had a little baby for the night. It only took me two hours to grow my "mother wings". It was SMOOTH sailing from there on out.
She spent some time hanging out with Gerry...they had quite a conversation going when I had to interrupt and let him know that dinner was going to be served. :-) Then, later into the evening, she and I decided it was high time we sat down to relax and watch a little TV. We also shared several conversations about how much she loves her mom and dad. She was excited about them having a night out with friends.
We ended up sharing the guest bed for the night! She got up at 2a.m. and 6a.m.! EASY as pie! I had to sleep with the accent light on so that I could make sure I could see her at any given moment! We were up for the day at 6a.m. She was so excited to share a bath with Rubber Ducky & Mr. Frog! Then we were off to church! The picture below was how she was through church...until the last 10 mintues. I think she had had enough of my singing! Of course, I think I could be the next American Idol but Miss Rylee disagreed!
This was the little sleeping beauty that ended her stay with us after church! I hope little Miss Rylee wants to come again! THANKS Jaime & was a pleasure and a priveledge to have hosted an evening with this little love bug! :-)